The On Campus program at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada is a small, flexible program which provides adults with an intellectual disability with the opportunity to be part of the university. The focus of the program is on social integration and inclusion. This case study looks at what the program does, how it runs and the people involved - students (past and present), support staff, teaching staff, volunteers and parents. Work experience and placement form an integral part of the program. Another program - College Connection (which is one of two based on the On Campus program) - is also outlined. This case study forms part of the report on a study program undertaken by Joan Ross with the support of the 1996 Dr Peter Wilenski Fellowship. Ross argues that there is a potential to develop projects in Australia to provide a post-secondary educational experience as a post-school option. (See also the video "On Campus": File No. 121). Keywords: Education, Tertiary
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On Campus, A Canadian case study: people with an intellectual disability on campus
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