Most good examples of supported living in Australia have been the result of people getting started, with or without funding, on what they want. What these families share is a clear, strong idea of people with disability being able to live where and how they want, with flexible, individualised support.
Reading what others have done may give you some ideas and inspiration, but the first steps you decide to take will depend on the person with a disability you are thinking about and what they want.
The examples and stories provided below show it is possible to get supported living for people with all kinds of disability and support needs.
My Home My Way Website – This website contains many resources, often written or produced by people with a disability and their supporters. These resources will assist in holding a vision for each person, no matter what their needs, to live in their own home with a range of personally tailored supports.
Adam Moves Out – An information resource for Adam’s moving out of home experience. This is a step by step approach taken by Adam’s family and friends to realise a dream of Adam having a place of his own that he can call home. There are stories, videos and many ideas that are shared to assist other families in this process.
Jac’s Place