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Family involvement in planning and decision making is important because families know their child best. Family input is instrumental in making sure that the student receives appropriate support, and that necessary changes are made so they can be fully included in the classroom.

Below are some Government publications that endorse this expectation which you may find helpful in school discussions.

Every student has their own aspirations, learning needs, strengths and interests and it is the responsibility of schools to respond to every student and their unique characteristics, with high expectations for achievement. Providing personalised learning and targeted support is one way they achieve this.

Improving outcomes for students with disability through parental engagement and effective consultation.

The resources listed below are practical examples and tools that can help with meetings, planning and decision making with the school. 

If you feel you are not being heard or able to put your perspective across to your child’s school then please do remind yourself of your child’s right to an education by visiting the section’ Know your rights’.

You can also call us on 1800 620 588 to have a discussion and consider how to approach the issue.

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