
National Disability Conference will show employment is achievable for all people with disability

Posted 11 August 2022

National Conference will show employment is achievable for all people with disability

There is no such thing as genuine independence as an adult until you secure meaningful and stable employment.

Think of all the things employment provides you: The opportunity to be a valuable contributor to society, to form relationships with members of the community, to buy the things you want and need, the financial capacity to socialise with friends, to travel and ultimately rent or buy your own home.

For people with disability these essential elements for the ‘good things of life’ are often out of reach, with barriers to securing employment, systemically and societally, firmly entrenched. Australia has one of the lowest employment rates for people with disability - ranking 21 out of 29 in the OECD*. This worsens dramatically for people with significant disability, who often spend their adult lives in disability programs or sheltered workshop type arrangements, with many in this group still considered unemployable.

To address these issues, Resourcing Inclusive Communities, an initiative of Family Advocacy, is holding their National Disability Employment Conference – Securing Futures, Shifting Mindsets at the Parramatta Novotel on Wednesday and Thursday the 14th and 15th of September. The conference is part of the School to Work project, which equips students with disability, with the support of families, to seek meaningful, paid employment in the community. This milestone event promises to be an invaluable opportunity for people with disability, families and professionals alike.

“The conference will offer a candid opportunity to explore the way forward for those invested in supporting successful employment outcomes alongside people with disability,” said Cecile Sullivan Elder, Family Advocacy’s Executive Officer. “With our disability employment services under review and Australian Disability Enterprises being scrutinised, the time is now to progress employment for all people with disability.”

You can expect two jam-packed days of thought-provoking presentations from people with lived experience, family members and international guest speakers, showing employment is achievable for all people with disability, including significant disability.

Attendees will come away with a wealth of knowledge and insights into contemporary models and approaches that lead to successful employment outcomes.

Tickets are now available and bookings can be made here.

* OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

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