Inclusive Education Discussion Series

Family Advocacy believes in people with disability having access to the good things in all areas of life, that the majority of people would expect. This includes regular education with peers. 

Family Advocacy has released a new position statement on inclusive education, which will inform our systemic advocacy on this issue over the next year and beyond. It is both a resource for parents to inform policy makers, and a clear outline of the reasons.

The document is the result of research, of families articulating their experiences, and of Family Advocacy’s values.

“Family Advocacy knows all children belong together in the classroom with their peers. However, in Australia, children with disability are often placed in special schools or support units"

Family Advocacy recommend that all future policy approaches in Australia and NSW pursue full inclusion and move toward ending segregation of children with disability as part of a progressive realisation of the right to inclusive education in line with the UNCRPD and General Comment on the right to Inclusive Education. This means policy makers must recognise the evidence that shows full inclusion is producing better social and academic outcomes for students with disability, and implement evidence-based programs and provide funding accordingly.

Recently through Facebook, Family Advocacy launched it's very first Inclusive Education Discussion Series. This discussion series builds on evidence based research and commences with information provided in a recent presentation by Bruce Uditsky and Anne Hughson of Inclusion Alberta

If you would like to know more about inclusive education for your family member with disability visit the school years section of the Family Advocacy website or contact us.

Picture1 In this short clip, Bruce Uditsky and Anne Hughson share the importance of a positive, trusting and collaborative relationship between families and their school.

 In this short clip Jan Kruger, proud parent and Director of Imagine More, shares what inclusion means to her family and what this looks like in school for her son Jack.

 An Inclusive classroom is one that incorporates alternative teaching methods to accommodate for the variety of learners in the room.

Moving from traditional teaching methods to more inclusive ones benefits all students.

This resource on alternative teaching methods provides examples on what this can look like, including the comparison between traditional teaching and inclusive teaching and what the research shows.

Inclusive Ed Checklist

Picture 2

 Gina Wilson-Burns, author of the blog Inky Ed, shares a powerful example of how inclusion is everyone's responsibility and that all means all.

 Watch Jacob’s Story to see one students journey through inclusive education and the support and thinking behind this.

 Is your school inclusive? Dr. Paula Kluth discusses the theory and practice of inclusion as well as the characteristics of an inclusive school, from committed leadership to democratic classrooms.

Dr. Kluth is a consultant, author, advocate, and independent scholar who works with teachers and families to provide inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities to create more responsive and engaging schooling experiences for all learners.



What are the risks of IQ testing? What should the purpose be when assessing a students supports needs in the regular class?

Bruce Uditsky and Anne Hughson comment on the value of IQ assessments to determine support needs and the dangerous assumptions associated with this.





 Inclusive education is a human right, and segregation or congregation are no longer acceptable. The release of the UN General Comment calls on all States including Australia to move towards full inclusion as a basic human right.

The General Comment gives more detail on expectations of government in paragraphs 39 and 68, stating that ‘[t]his is not compatible with sustaining two systems of education: mainstream and special/segregated education systems', and that '[t]he Committee urges States parties to achieve a transfer of resources from segregated to inclusive environments.'

Paragraph 11 of the General Comment reminds us that segregated systems of special schools and support units are not compatible with the right to inclusive education.

Family Advocacy has written to the Australian Human Rights Commission seeking to further the realisation of this right in Australia.


The Advocacy and Leadership Development Team here at Family Advocacy provide information, advocacy advice and leadership development opportunities for families.

If you would like to talk through some questions or concerns you might have, or would like to enhance your advocacy skills on a more broader level please contact us.

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